
No matter where you are in your author journey, from collating the chapters of your book, to querying literary agents, to seeding it out to the world via digital marketing, we’ve got you covered. From query letter templates, to author interviews, to insider editor info, you’ll find a complete set of resources designed to help you skyrocket your writing career.

A fountain pen writing with some purple flowers


We’re not just about publishing. Read our writing and craft tips to help elevate your work so that it gets picked up and published.

A microphone on a writing desk


Explore our interviews with other aspiring authors, published authors, and sensational writers.

Two people signing a contract on a desk with a laptop

Literary Agents

Who are literary agents, what on Earth do they want, and how can you grab their attention?

Graduate and pink flowers


Everything you need to know if you’re considering a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Program in Creative Writing.

Woman holding a megaphone against a blue sky


It’s not good enough just to publish any more; you need to actively promote yourself and your work.

A bookshelf in a publishers office


From small presses, to indies, to the Big Five, publishers come in all shapes and sizes, and hold the key to authorship.

Typing the ideal query letter length at a laptop with plant, glasses, phone, pencils

Query Letters

The art to writing query letters that make literary agents jump out of their seats with glee. Still need help writing your query letter? Call the Query Doctor

Many colored post-it notes


Explore our publishing resources toolbox, jam-packed with useful links, lists, books, websites, and more.

Half open MacBook with colored lights


Discover where to submit your work, what editors are looking for, and how the editorial submissions process works.