The Query Doctor
Ready to submit your manuscript to literary agents? These days, being a great writer isn’t enough; you need to be a marketer. If you don’t have a killer query letter to capture agents’ limited attention, you’ve fallen at the first hurdle. And writing a killer query letter comes down to exceptional marketing.

Our Query Doctor, Natalie Harris-Spencer, has 15+ years’ experience marketing for major global brands, including the U.K.’s largest publisher and the world’s largest entertainment corporation. Natalie’s own query letter helped her land multiple agent offers. She gets it. With our customized packages, we guarantee you a marketing query letter that will make you stand out from the masses. Learn more about Natalie on her website or our About page.
We offer a range of competitively-priced packages for all budgets. Our editing services are time and labor intensive, and the prices have been carefully worked out to reflect that. If budget is an issue, please reach out to us and we can work together on a tailored solution, or see our Unicorn option below! Remember: your query letter is more akin to a sales pitch or jacket copy for your book than it is your manuscript. We’re not here to help you write your novel or discover your voice, we’re here to help you market it to the literary gatekeepers and get that all-important foot in the proverbial publishing door.

Query letter editing
Natalie will review your query letter and provide x3 rounds of feedback. Each round will involve a comprehensive Word Doc review, with in-line edits, suggestions, and comments. All genres welcome. NOTE: This is for fiction only. Non-fiction requires a book proposal, which is different from a query letter.

Query letter editing and synopsis editing
All of the services above, as well as a full review and feedback on your story’s synopsis (max. 2 pages).

Query letter editing, synopsis editing, and the first 10 pages of your manuscript
Literary agents will often ask for the first 10 pages of your manuscript when you submit your query. While it’s true that your query letter will be the first thing they read, if you manage to hook them, you’ll need to present your shiniest, most immaculate work. This package covers all of the services above, as well as x3 rounds on your manuscript, with our trademark marketing lean. Is the hook there? Does the first sentence, first paragraph, and first page make a publishing professional want to read on? We’ll get your query letter, synopsis, and first 10 pages in an irresistible place.

Your special unicorn project
We recognize that every project and budget is different. Let’s chat about what you need. Remember, our services are with a marketing lean i.e. positioning yourself to sell/get published; if you need a full editorial service on your manuscript, we suggest looking elsewhere.